About me

The story of my life…

I’d like to introduce myself: my name is Dario Biagioni and getting closer to my 50th birthday I’m very thankful for life’s gifts.

I was born in a Medicean cottage in the heart of Mugello, near Florence. In this fantastic lowland I grew up in close contact with Tuscany’s nature, and that allowed me to “train” my senses: through colours, perfumes and sensations of every season.

My parents, through their example and endurance in facing a very simple country life, taught me that the savour of a fruit can be tasted from the sowing.

In the early Nineties I begun a search for my inner self through books and spiritual experiences, now I can call this period the mystic starting point of my life when through meditation I started to understand that our souls push us toward the essentialism.

I studied the Enneagram, a very ancient instrument that help us to understand our psychological automatisms, and this opened the way for many unforgettable experiences: I met shamans from South America that guided me in a shaman journey and I attended the Quadrinity of Hoffman.

I remember with pleasure a Re-birthing experience and my attraction to oriental philosophy focused on Kundalini’s awakening and Zen doctrine, the so called “here and now”.

I experienced the Bio-drama (the dramatization of Life) and I studied the interpretation of symbols through geomancy.

This journey of knowledge toward the understanding of our inner selves, made me understand that I had to change something in order to achieve a more human way of life; so, after a long experience as a worker in a retail shop and as a self taught man, in 2004 I decided to open my workshop (www.falegnameriafirenze.it) and in this way to use my passion for wood. My workshop has grown very quickly and, with the precious help of my collaborators, I’ve produced many sophisticated furnitures.


One of my specializations in wood working is the old patina technique.

Today I feel the need to share with others the richness that my professional and spiritual knowledge gave me, for this reason I’ve decided to teach classes on the old patina technique. Patina Style classes will accompany you on both a spiritual and professional journey.

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